An introduction to the solutions and guidance to achieve the results long-eluding you
It is the solution to your issues of not being able to lose the weight, gain the muscle, perform the way you would like.... "Training." A lot of people here this word and intertwine exercising and training. Let me be the first to share the secret with you that there is a MASSIVE difference between the two. This brings me to the reasoning behind the "TENACITY SERIES," which is a blog series regarding the myths and common mistakes of why people often fall into the category of exercising; instead of Training. Consequently, they do not achieve the results they set out to achieve.
A look into the difference between exercising and training
A famous quote that I love to mention to my clients is that of the famous, Yuri Verkhoshanksy.
He states, "Any idiot can make another idiot tired."
The Russian professor, coach and Father of Plyometrics, Verkhoshanksy, makes an appealing case for what most people do -- mindlessly exercise. I do not mean to be harsh because I am also guilty in the past of falling into this trap. Exercising is always better than not exercising of course, however, if you do not have structure in your training you will NOT ever progress consistently. If at all.
Training is the strategic implementation of methods that are consistently utilized throughout a plan that is specific to the individuals goals and needs. Where as, exercise is an activity that requires physical exertion to improve one's health and fitness. Training encapsulates exercise, but exercise does not include training within its' parameters. << editing needed >>
qualities needed for proper training to occur
Every one should be training and not blindly exercising. In order to ensure you are properly training, include the following:
Develop a Timeline
Choose a Method
Choose a Split
Manage Volume and Intensity
Have Fun
Establishing goals are going to be your number one on the list. Choosing what you want to successfully achieve is the only way you'll be able to develop a plan of action. When establishing goals, you need to be realistic. Think big, but carefully plan out the steps needed in order to achieve that goal. Even further, you should do something that is hard. Nothing in life worth having is easy. Sometimes, having unrealistic expectations can yield unrealistic results. For example, I went from having a run PR of 7 miles to completing an Ironman in one year. You are much more capable than you think.
Develop a timeline
Once you have goals, the time has come to set a realistic timeline to complete the task. If you do not set a date to have the task completed by, then you will surely fail in your attempt. No date = procrastination. Instead, set a date based on basic volume-periodization, where you are able to increase subtly in your volume or intensity (remember they are inversely related) week to week until the date. A good place to start is an increase from week to week of about 10%.